
Castles of Greece

Lygourio, Epidaurus, Argolis,Peloponnese

Gkyclos Fort

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On a rocky hill of Mt. Arachnaion, in Argolis, at the point where the road Lygourio to Arachnaio village meets the wind-turbines
Region > Prefecture: Greek Map
Municipality > Town:
City of Epidaurus
• Lygourio
Elevation ≈ 850 m 
(Relative Height≈50 m)
Time of Construction   Origin
perhaps, early 13th cent.  
Castle Type   Condition
Dry-Stone Fortification  
In Ruins

The ruins of the Gkyklos fortress are located on Mount Arachnaio (on the Skoudi-Arachnaio pass), on a rocky hill, far from villages, but very close to the route that connects the village of Arachneio (formerly, “Heli”) with Lygourio .

Location & Strategic Scope

Arachnaio was a strategic point since ancient times since it controlled the passage from Corinthia to Argolis. There are scattered ruins of many towers and forts in Arachnaio, from different eras: antiquity, the Byzantine period, the Frankish and the Venetian.


The castle is definitely medieval, but the time period of its construction is not known. Its style is similar to forts belonging the period of the hegemony of the Duke of Athens Otto De La Roche who, in the first years of the Frankish rule (1212-1225), had in his possession, among others, the region of Arachnaio mount.
Perhaps the fortress was then built to be used in his war against Leo Sgouros, to prevent communication with the two strongholds of Sgouros, Nafplion and Acrocorinth.

Structure, Fortification & Buildings

Gkyklos fortress is surrounded to the south and east by a rocks, while the part to the north and west is surrounded by a wall.
The perimeter wall of the fortress is 1.80 meters thick and has the style of De La Roche, i.e. it is dry stone construction where the two sides of the wall are built with large stones and in between the filling has been done with smaller stones.

First entry in Kastrologos:    January 2014
Last update of info and text:   May 2024
Last addition of photo/video:  December 2024


  • Website ΧΕΛΙ-ΑΡΑΧΝΑΙΟ - To φρούριο Γκύκλος (Greek only)
  • Pictures 5,8 from Panoramio, user Burgenfuzzi
  • Δημήτριος-Περσέας Λουκίσσας, «Αργολίδας-Κορινθίας Περιήγησις», τόμος Γ’, Ανοιχτή Πόλη, Αθήνα, 2024, απ’ όπου και οι φωτο 9,10,11 (Ιούλιος 2014)
  • Photo 1 by Iraklis Soursos (2024)