
Castles of Greece

Nea Epidavros, Epidaurus, Argolis,Peloponnese

Castle of Nea Epidavros

or Piada Castle  
★ ★ ★ ★
 <  122 / 1140  > 
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Nea Epidavros, East Peloponnese
Region > Prefecture: Greek Map
Municipality > Town:
City of Epidaurus
• Nea Epidavros
Elevation ≈ 80 m 
(Relative Height≈20 m)
Time of Construction   Origin
13th century  
Castle Type   Condition
Rather Poor

The castle is a settlement on a rocky hill not far from the sea. The old name of the village was Piada.

The 1st National Assembly of Greece took place in this village (Dec 1821-Jan 1822) and declared the independence of Greece. The castle however is not related to the assembly.

The medieval settlement existed since the Byzantine period. In 1205 the Venetians took the region under their rule and constructed (or reinforced) the walls of the fortification.

The settlement is still inhabited but only a few ruins of the walls remain.

Structure, Fortification & Buildings

There are some remains of the walls around the rock of the castle which was the “acropolis” of the old settlement.

The top of the castle is a small, narrow area about 2000 sq.m. There is almost nothing to see: Some scattered ruins and a renovated church which is the only building.

First entry in Kastrologos:    October 2012
Last addition of photo/video:  March 2024


  • Antoine Bon, 1969, La Morée franque. Recherches historiques, topographiques et archéologiques sur la principauté d'Achaïe (1205-1430), Editions de Boccard, pp.485
  • Κορδώσης Μ., "Η Φραγκική Καστελλανία της Κορινθου. Τα κάστρα και η περιοχή τους", Πρακτικά Γ΄Παγκορινθακού Συνεδρίου, Κιάτο 2009, 225-226
  • Καρποδίνη Ε., Κάστρα της Πελοποννήσου, Αθήνα 1993, 240
  • Video by G Traveller Κάστρο Νέας Επιδαύρου | Castle of Nea Epidavros, source also of the photos 1, 9, 14, 15, 16 (2023)

Road map to Castle of Nea Epidavros

Approach to the monument:
Nea Epidavros is 117 km from Athens (less than 2 hours). There is a sign in the village to the castle. A paved path leads to the castle (10 min). The last meters are a little dangerous.
Free entrance

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