
Castles of Greece

Gymno, Argos-Mycenae, Argolis,Peloponnese

Fort of Farmakas

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
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On one of the peaks of mount Farmakas, west of the village Gymno of Argolis
Region > Prefecture: Greek Map
Municipality > Town:
City of Argos-Mycenae
• Gymno
Elevation ≈ 1510 m 
(Relative Height≈600 m)
Time of Construction   Origin
Castle Type   Condition
Dry-Stone Fortification  
In Ruins

Remains of a fortification wall, of unknown chronology, in one of the peaks of mount Farmakas located between the Argolis and Corinth regions.


We do not have any information about the history or the construction date of the fort.

The dry-stone construction leads to the hypothesis that it might be an ancient fortification. However, the type of construction and the remote location make a construction sometime in the medieval period more possible.

It was a small fort and was used perhaps as a refuge in times of barbaric invasions or/and it was an intermediate link of optical communication between the large castles of the region.

Structure, Fortification & Buildings

From the fortress it remains only a fortification wall 135m long, preserved at a height around 1m.

Only the southern side and partly the western were fortified. The northern and eastern sides had no fortification because they were protected by the rough terrain (either that or the wall has fallen down the cliff after, perhaps, a landslide).

First entry in Kastrologos:    October 2019


  • Photographs and info by Sakis Lemonakis and his blog ΑΜΦΙΤΡΕΙΔΗΣ
  • Website e-castles - Φαρμακάς, φρούριο
  • Πέππας Ι., Μεσαιωνικές σελίδες της Αργολίδας, Αρκαδίας, Κορινθίας, Αττικής, Αθήνα 1990, 194
  • Κορδώσης Μ., Συμβολή στην Ιστορία και Τοπογραφία της περιοχής Κορίνθου στους μέσους χρόνους, Αθήνα 1981, 338