
Castles of Greece

Mpozikas, Sikyon, Corinthia,Peloponnese

Fortress of Kokkinovrachos

or Fortress of Bozikas  
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
 <  164 / 1140  > 
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On the hill Kokkinovrachos, 3km NE of the village Asprokampos and 2.5 east of Bozikas in Corinth area
Region > Prefecture: Greek Map
Municipality > Town:
City of Sikyon
• Mpozikas
Elevation ≈ 1009 m 
(Relative Height≈170 m)
Time of Construction   Origin
4th cent. BC  
Castle Type   Condition
Castle Ruins  
In Ruins

Few remains from an ancient castle with traces of use in the Middle Ages as well.

Location & Strategic Scope

The fort was in a position to survey the region of Stymfalia to the SW and had a visual contact with several fortifications around including Acrocorinth. On the opposite hill, at a close distance, there is another fort of similar condition, the fortress of Gavrias .


It is an ancient fortress built in the 4th century BC. This territory was important, back then, because below the hill to the south was the boundary between the ancient city-states of Sikyon, Stymfalia and Fliasia.

The fortification is not mentioned by ancient or medieval sources. The chronology of its construction is deducted from the type of construction while some later reinforcements indicate use in the Middle Ages.

Structure, Fortification & Buildings

The fortification is not in good condition. Its perimeter is around 350m. The walls protect 3 sides of the highest peak of the mountain, whereas the southern side remains unfortified being protected by the rough terrain.
The northern and eastern sides are mostly hidden by vegetation, but the trace of the wall is rather clear. At the western side, the wall is less visible. Only some parts of the foundations remain there.

At the center of the fortress, where is the peak of the mountain, there are the remains of a square tower measuring 7✖7 m. At the perimeter we can find the foundations of 3 other towers. Peppas (1990) reported 6 towers on the perimeter, but only 3 were spotted in 2019.

The wall is a typical construction of the 4th century BC with big trapezoid blocks. At some parts of the northern wall there are some repairs where mortar has been used, and this is proof of a medieval use of the fortress.

Outside of the fortress, on the NE slope, there are the remains of what seems to have been a medieval village. The foundations of an ancient edifice show that here was the location of an ancient settlement as well.

First entry in Kastrologos:    April 2020


Road map to Fortress of Kokkinovrachos

Approach to the monument:
Take the road from Aspropyrgos to Kastraki; after 1200m turn left to dirt road and after 600m turn right to another dirt road for 800m; Leave the car at a sharp bend of the road. From there to SW for 20min.
Free access

Other castles around
Tower of Belesi
Fort of Farmakas
Castle of Focas
Fortress of Gavrias
Goulas of Kaisari
Tower of Kordis
Castle of Lyrkeia
Tower of Skala of Malandreni
Tower of Drosopigi
Tower of Magoula of Pasio
Castle of Polyfengo
Paliokasto of Trikala
Castle of Tziristra
Vasilikata castle
Xerocastelli of Basilika