
Castles of Greece

Marmari, Anatoliki Mani, Laconia,Peloponnese

Tower of Grigorakakis

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
 <  177 / 1140  > 
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On the neck between the villages Marmari and Porto Kayio, near the southern tip of Mani, at the narrowest point of the peninsula
Region > Prefecture: Greek Map
Municipality > Town:
City of Anatoliki Mani
• Marmari
Elevation ≈ 130 m 
(Relative Height≈90 m)
Time of Construction   Origin
before 1829  
Castle Type   Condition
Tower House  
Rather Poor

Large complex of a mansion of Mani with a central tower and several other buildings, at the location “Charakes” on a hill between Marmari and Porto Κayio in Mani. Marmari is on the west coast and Porto Κayo is on the east coast of the Mani Peninsula. The tower stands at the neck at the narrowest point of the peninsula, a few kilometers north of Cape Tainaro.

The tower was at the center of one of Mani's most iconic vendettas.


The tower belonged to the family of Grigorakakis (not related to the prominent Grigorakis family) who had settled in Paliros and were in a constant conflict with the family of Michalakianos, based in Layia.

A little before 1829, the family of Grigorakakis started to build this tower on the narrow passage to Tainaron cape. The Michalakianos clan reacted but could not stop it. Sometime in 1829 the Michalakianos people managed to capture the tower. in 29th June 1829, a fierce battle between the two families took place. The Grigorakis were the winners. After that, the borders between the territories of the two families had to be agreed. The borderline was near the tower, hence the name of the location “Charakes” (gr: Χάρακες).

First entry in Kastrologos:    June 2020


  • Photos (1,2) and info by Triantafyllos Adamakopoulos - topoGuide.gr
  • Δημήτριος Δ. Δημητράκος – Μεσισκλής, ΟΙ ΝΥΚΛΙΑΝΟΙ, Αθήνα 1949