
Castles of Greece

Pergari, Poros, Piraeus & Islands,Attica

Castle of Tselevinia

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
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On a little peninsula at the souteastern coast of Trizinia in NE Peloponnese opposite the little islands of Tselevinia
Region > Prefecture: Greek Map
Piraeus & Islands
Municipality > Town:
City of Poros
• Pergari
Elevation ≈ 12 m 
Time of Construction   Origin
13th or 14th century  
Castle Type   Condition
Coastal Fortress  
In Ruins

Remnants of a coastal castle at the southeastern side of Troizinia region of northeastern Peloponnese, east of the village Pergari and opposite the little islands Tselevinia. Amongst the ruins is a relatively modern church dedicated to Panagia.


There are no records and historical documents about this castle, therefore we are not in position to know its history and its origin.

However the construction of the walls is similar to some Venetian castles in Cyclades like the Kato Kastro and the Ostodosia castle in Andros.

The rest of the castles in Trizinia are Frankish but this one is relatively remote (even today) and it is reasonable to assume that it was Venetian, since it would have better communication with other Venetian castles in the Aegean than with castles in the mainland. It could also have a better cooperation with the neighboring castle of Thermisi (also a Venetian stronghold from the 14th to 18th century).

Some ceramic findings and the type of construction indicate that the castle was used in the 13th and 14th century. Its life span must have been rather short, since it is not mentioned in nautical maps.

Structure, Fortification & Buildings

The remaining walls are approximately 100m long and were protecting the northern side of the peninsula and the access from land. The thickness of the wall is 1.5m and the maximum height that it is preserved is 3.5m.

First entry in Kastrologos:    December 2015
Last addition of photo/video:  May 2024


  • Nikos D. Kontogiannis, An Itinerary through the Medieval Castles and Fortifications of the Province of Troizenia [in Greek]
  • Information sent by Mr. Ioannis Dedes
  • Δημήτριος-Περσέας Λουκίσσας, «Αργολίδας-Κορινθίας Περιήγησις», τόμος Δ’, Ανοιχτή Πόλη, Αθήνα, 2024 σελ. 75-79, απ’ όπου και οι φωτο 1, 11-17 (Ιούνιος 2017)

Road map to Castle of Tselevinia

Approach to the monument:
From Corinth follow the old NR to Epidavros, Galatas. After Galatas continue to Saronida, Pergari. A little before Pergari a left turn leads after 5km to the little peninsula.
Free access

Other castles around
Fort of Aderes
Monastery of Agios Athanasios
Castle of Damalas
Castle of Dokos
Castle of Favieros
Castle of Kokkinia
Forts of Mandraki in Hydra
Castle of Mylorema
Burtzi of Poros