
Castles of Greece

Akrotiri, Zakynthos, Ionian islands

Vardiola at Akrotiri

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
 <  402 / 1140  > 
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At Akrotiri area, north of the town of Zakynthos, on the east coast of the island
Region > Prefecture: Greek Map
Ionian islands
Municipality > Town:
City of Zakynthos
• Akrotiri
Zero Altitude
Time of Construction   Origin
probably in 1770  
Castle Type   Condition
In Ruins

The ruins of a venetian guardian post at the rocky beach of Akrotiri in Zakynthos (north of the capital of the island) which curiously does not seem to have visual contact with other guard-posts or the castle.


About Vardiolas in general

The word “vardiola” originates probably from the word guardiola (a common castle term meaning guard or observatory from the Italian word “guarda”). It is used for the various watchtowers that the Venetians built on the coasts of the Ionian islands. There are vardiolas in Kythira, Cephalonia and Zakynthos. Some of them are included in Kastrologos. Probably, there are many more. We do not know (in this site) if the name “Vardiola” is used for watchtowers in other areas outside the Ionian islands.

The Vardiolas of Zakynthos have a very particular design: small dimensions, strong stone walls with a square-pyramid-shaped roof.

Most of the vardiolas in Zakynthos were constructed during the administration of the Venetian Proveditore (Governor) Claudio Gherardini who held this position during the period 1768-1770.

First entry in Kastrologos:    November 2014


  • Information sent by Mr. Ioannis Dedes
  • Μυλωνάς Βασίλειος, Κομίνης Αντώνιος, Δουλδούρης Βασίλειος , «ΒΙΓΛΕΣ ΣΤΟ ΝΗΣΙΩΤΙΚΟ ΕΛΛΑΔΙΚΟ ΧΩΡΟ (ΙΟΝΙΟ) , ΒΙΓΛΕΣ-ΒΑΡΔΙΟΛΕΣ ΖΑΚΥΝΘΟΥ», Πτυχιακή εργασία ΤΕΙ Πειραιά, Τμήμα Πολιτικών και Δομικών Έργων, available also online