
Castles of Greece

Orfanio, Pangaio, Kavala,East Macedonia & Thrace

Castle of Orfanio

★ ★ ★ ★
 <  657 / 1140  > 
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Orfanio, near Kavala, East Macedonia
Region > Prefecture: Greek Map
East Macedonia & Thrace
Municipality > Town:
City of Pangaio
• Orfanio
Elevation ≈ 55 m 
Time of Construction   Origin
probably 16th cent.  
Castle Type   Condition
Rather Poor

In the classical period, as well as during the Roman and Byzantine times, the urban center of the region of the delta of Strymon river was Amfipolis.

During the Tourkokratia the town lost gradually its importance and the commercial activity moved to Marmario, while the military control was centered at the modern village of Orfanio where a small fortress was created.

This small fortress for the protection of the delta was built probably in the 18th century or maybe earlier.
According to Tsouris (1999) it was built in early 16th century, while in the 18th century it is reported already as ruined.

Structure, Fortification & Buildings

It was a relatively small fortress.
Its shape is rectangular. It occupies an area of 5500 sq.m. within a perimeter of almost 300 meters.

The outline of the fortification is clear. In some places, especially on the east and north sides, the walls are kept at a very low – to zero – height. On the west and south sides the walls are preserved in a relatively better condition and in some parts they are preserved at their original height.
The masonry of the fort is medium-sized rough-hewn stones, with binding lime mortar.

Inside there are no traces of buildings.

First entry in Kastrologos:    November 2012
Last update of info and text:   July 2023
Last addition of photo/video:  April 2024


  • Κωνσταντίνος Τσουρής, Νεάπολις-Χριστούπολις-Καβάλα (Οκτ 1999), ΑΡΧΑΙΟΛΟΓΙΚΟΝ ΔΕΛΤΙΟΝ, τεύχος 53/Α-Μελέτες (1998), σελ.452
  • Photos by Kastrologos (1,2,5,6,7,8 taken Aug 2023)

Road map to Castle of Orfanio

Approach to the monument:
From Egnatia Road, exit Moustheni. The village is at the edge of the village Orfanio.
Free access

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