
Castles of Greece

Vathys, Kalymnos, Dodecanese,South Aegean

Monastery of Panagia Kyra Psili

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
 <  934 / 1139  > 
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On the mountain Koukoula north of the village Vathys of Kalymnos, at the eastrn side of the island.
Region > Prefecture: Greek Map
South Aegean
Municipality > Town:
City of Kalymnos
• Vathys
Elevation ≈ 410 m 
Time of Construction   Origin
Various periods  
Castle Type   Condition

Fortified monastery, built in at least two phases, located at the north-western flank of Mt. Koukoúla rising above the Vathýs valley.

Castle Description

Text: Dr. Michael Losse – Singen (Hohentwiel), Germany (16.12.2020)

General description
The fortified monastery of Kyra Psili – “hidden in the mountains”– is situated in front of the entrance of a cave on a rock face of Mt. Koukoúla. It was supposed to have been a medieval Byzantine castle before (cf. Spiteri 1994, p. 221, after Paradissis 1976). According to the Kalymnian archaeologist Michael J. Koutellas (2006), it was built in the 18th century.
At least two construction phases are recognizable on the defensive wall: Under the whitewash of the later raised wall with rounded “Turkish” merlons one can see older swallowtail merlons. Above the small round arch gate consoles of a box-machicoulation are preserved.
Probably the monastery was built in the 18th century within an older fortification. In the second half of the 20th century there were building alterations and additions partly in concrete.

Access (route / entrance)
By car: Follow the Vathýs valley up to the crossroad next to Byzantine Agioii Theodori Church, turn right, follow the road to the Stavros chapel, park there (end of the street) and walk on the Monopati to the monastery (in some passages you have to be vertigo-free). The monastery castle can only be seen shortly before reaching.
On foot: Over the monopati from Platanos (entry at the Plateia next to the former tavern “Platanos”) you come across the road (walk on sight).

Other Info

Koutellas, Michael J.: Kalymnos. History, Archaeology, Culture. From the Prehistoric Age to present times. Kalymnos 2006.
Losse, Michael: Die Burgen und Befestigungen auf den Dodekanes-Inseln Kálymnos, Télendos und Psérimos. In: Burgenforschung – Europäisches Correspondenzblatt für interdisziplinäre Castellologie 2, 2013, Marburg (Lahn) 2014, pp. 179-216.
Losse, Michael: Die Burgen und Festungen des Johanniter-Ritterordens auf Rhódos und in der Ägäis (Griechenland) 1307-1522. (Publisher: Nünnerich-Asmus Verlag) Mainz 2017.
Losse, Michael: Klosterburgen und befestigte Klöster auf den Dodekanes (Griechenland) – ein Überblick. In: Anja Grebe/G. Ulrich Großmann/Thomas Kühtreiber (Eds.): Klosterbefestigungen – Klöster, Stifte und Wehrbau (Forschungen zu Burgen und Schlössern, vol. 21). Petersberg (will be released in 2021).
Paradissis, Alexander: Fortresses and Castles of Greece. Vol. III: Fortresses and Castles of Greek Islands. Athen und Thessaloniki 1976, p. 149.
Spiteri, Stephen C.: Fortresses of the Cross. Hospitaller Military Architecture (1136-1798). Valleta (Malta) 1994, p.221.

First entry in Kastrologos:    June 2021


  • Article and photographs by Dr. Michael Losse, M.A.

Road map to Monastery of Panagia Kyra Psili

Approach to the monument:
Follow the Vathýs valley up to the crossroad next to Agioii Theodori Church, turn right, follow the road to the Stavros chapel, park there and walk on the Monopati to the monastery which can only be seen shortly before reaching.

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