
Castles of Greece

Atheras, Lixouri, Cephalonia,Ionian islands

Kasteli of Paliki

or Kasteli of Atheras or Kasteli of Palasti  
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
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At the wild-life refuge of Mt.Kasteli-Blosti, at the northern pasrt of Paliki peninsula in Cephalonia
Region > Prefecture: Greek Map
Ionian islands
Municipality > Town:
City of Lixouri
• Atheras
Elevation ≈ 220 m 
Time of Construction   Origin
Castle Type   Condition
Medieval Settlement  
In Ruins

Ruins of a medieval settlement on a small plateau at the eastern slope of the hill Lachties in the northwestern part of the Cephalonia island.

The location is inside the wild-life refuge of Mt.Kasteli-Blosti, at the northern part of the Paliki peninsula of Cephalonia.


We do not have information about the history or the name of the settlement. It has never been researched, to our knowledge. Judging from the visible remains, we can say that it was not ancient and that it must have been a relatively populous place for the standards of the early Middle Ages.

It was not a strong castle but it was protected my some fortification. It must have been abandoned before the beginning of the Venetian rule of the island (1500). It must be noted, however, that close to this settlement there are other ruins which are much more recent

Collateral stories

The Britich researcher Robert Bittlestone in his book “Odysseus Unbound” (Cambridge, 2005) supports that the Homeric Ithaca was in fact the Paliki peninsula of Cephalonia which (according to him) in Bronze Age was a separate island. It is interesting (for Kastrologos at least) that Bittlestone himself in a BBC footage (available in YouTube) hypothesizes that the palace of Odysseus might have been under the ruins of this medieval settlement.

First entry in Kastrologos:    December 2016
