
Castles of Greece

Kalavarda, Rhodes, Dodecanese,South Aegean

Towerhouse of Agia Anna

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
 <  962 / 1140  > 
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On the left side of the road, halfway between the villages Kalavarda and Salakos of Rhodes island, near the chapel of Agia Anna.
Region > Prefecture: Greek Map
South Aegean
Municipality > Town:
City of Rhodes
• Kalavarda
Elevation ≈ 50 m 
(Relative Height≈0 m)
Time of Construction   Origin
15th or begin. 16th cent.  
Castle Type   Condition
Tower House  
Rather Poor

Ruin of a late-medieval towerhouse at the left side of the road from Kalavarda to Salakos, about halfway.

Castle Description

Text: Dr. Michael Losse – Singen (Hohentwiel), Germany (18.12.2020)

General description
To the east of the 6 km long road from Kalavarda to Salakos, about halfway through, stands a tower house of unknown function and unknown construction time. Immediately behind the building, a flat hill rises, which exalts it, thus largely excluding a function as a defensive structure. On the hill the Agia Anna chapel is located. In the British “Admiralty chart 1667” of 1841, the building is registered as a mill, and in fact it stands next to a water mill. Therefore, the British archaeologist Charles Thomas Newton (1816-1894) interpreted the complex as a “tower” built by the Knights of St. John next to a water mill (I, 1865, p. 235: “an old tower built by the Knights, by the side of a watermill”). Peter Lock (2006), on the other hand, saw no signs of a construction of the building by the Knights of St. John and no indications of a date for a later extension or conversion.

The building measures about 20✖40 m with the mill building and the construction for the mill wheel, added in 1841. Lock's presumption that it was a country house rather than a “tower” is to be agreed, as does his assessment that the door and window frames of the house speak for its creation in the 15th/early 16th century and the quality of the construction for a high rank of the builder. However, a possible connection to the Order remains unclear for the time being.

Access (route / entrance)
By car: Follow the 6 km long road from Kalavarda to Salakos, about halfway through, you will find the towerhouse on the left side of the road.
Free access.

History of the castle/tower

Other Info

Lock, Peter: Freestanding towers in the countryside of Rhodes. In: Elizabeth Jeffreys (Ed.): Byzantine Style, Religion and Civilization. In honour of Sir Steven Runciman. Cambridge 2006, pp. 378.
Losse, Michael: Wacht- und Wohntürme aus der Zeit des Johanniter-Ordens (1307-1522) auf der Ägäis-Insel Rhódos (Griechenland). In: Burgen und Schlösser 4, 2009, pp. 245-261.
Losse, Michael: Die Burgen und Festungen des Johanniter-Ritterordens auf Rhódos und in der Ägäis (Griechenland) 1307-1522. (Publisher: Nünnerich-Asmus Verlag) Mainz 2017.
Newton, Charles T.: Travels and Discoveries in the Levant. London 1865 (Reprint: Hildesheim, Germany 1989), I, p. 235.

First entry in Kastrologos:    December 2020


  • Text and photographs (2007) by Dr. Michael Losse