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Y.Kostopoulos-April 2018
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Y.Kostopoulos-April 2018
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Y.Kostopoulos-April 2018
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view from the east, Y.Kostopoulos-2019
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left the central tower, right the north fortification
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the central tower from the east hill, Y.Kostopoulos-2019
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detail of nortthern fortification from the east hill
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path to the castle, Y.Kostopoulos-2019
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east wall of central/southern tower, Y.Kostopoulos-2019
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north side of central/southern tower, Y.Kostopoulos-2019
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ΝΕ corner of central/southern tower, Y.Kostopoulos-2019
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a cistern north of the tower, Y.Kostopoulos-2019
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top of central/southern tower with view to the south
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north wall (and building?), Y.Kostopoulos-2019
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north wall (and building?), Y.Kostopoulos-2019
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north wall (and building?), Y.Kostopoulos-2019
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east wall of central/southern tower, Y.Kostopoulos-2019
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the “river” Velikas, Y.Kostopoulos-2019
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east wall of central/southern tower, Y.Kostopoulos-2019
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south wall of central/southern tower, Y.Kostopoulos-2019